How To Pick Blog Post Topics When You Have Writers Block.

Thinking about blog posts to write is so hard! Because there are endless things you can write about, and it’s hard to know which of those things people actually want to read about.

One of my biggest anxieties as a full-time blogger has been picking topics that I believe people actually want to read about but I feel like I’ve finally got it down now and I want to share my strategy.

So today I’m going to be diving into how to find blog post inspo for posts that people will actually read.

Do you want to start your own money-making blog?

I highly suggest you jump into blogging now! It is so much easier to start a blog in the fall because in the fall and winter people spend more time at home using social media.

When people are on social media more they are more likely to see your blog.

I know starting a blog can be overwhelming, it seems like there is so much you need to know, and how are you supposed to know how to set everything up, and make sure you are getting the best deal on starting a blog?

Also, how are you supposed to know how to design your blog and get traffic?

I kept getting questions from friends, and people who wanted to start their own blogs

So I figured the best way to answer all these questions would be to create a FREE ( did I mention it’s free?) 6 Day email course.

Which will teach you step-by-step how to set up a blog, install your theme, make a logo, and create monetized content. It will completely kick-start your blogging success.

I totally suggest taking it if you don’t already have a blog (or if you do already have a blog and want the advice) because I really want to help you get your dream job. Here is a more detailed guide of what we go over in it!

  • Day 1: How to choose a name, and blog topics.

  • Day 2: How to start a blog & install the design of your choice.

  • Day 3: Planning out your content.

  • Day 4: Monetizing your website as a beginner.

  • Day 5: Increasing your website's traffic to make more money.

  • Day 6: Wrap up & Guide to follow for the future to maximize profit

Free How to Start a Profitable Blog Course

Learn how to start a profitable blog from scratch in this FREE 6-day email course. Trust me, you won’t need any prior blogging knowledge


Pinterest is my go-to place to find home decor inspo, and outfit ideas but it is actually also a great place to go to find blog post inspo because:

  • Almost every pin on Pinterest links to a blog post.

  • There are tons of blogging topic pins.

So between looking there and seeing what I’m pinning the most about and what I think I can share on those same topics, and looking at pins that are straight-up giving blog post topic recommendations there is a ton of inspiration to be found on Pinterest.

Click here to find blog post topic Inspo on Pinterest.


Another great place to find inspo for blog posts is on Instagram. I recommend looking through your favorite accounts and seeing if they have ever talked about something you feel like you could share on with a twist.

Often times I’ve found seeing other peoples posts and actively thinking “what’s my take on this?” has made me think of blog post ideas.

I’ll set a timer and purposely scroll through instagram looking at reelz, stories, and posts and after each think to myself “what’s my take on this?” and if it feels like something I could write a whole post on, or a project I could do and share on I’ll write it in a note on my phone to go back to.

Ask your audience:

If you already have some followers on Instagram, or your email list you can always just ask your audience “What do you want to see from me?” I love to do this on my Instagram story when I find myself struggling to come up with blog post ideas.

Here are a few ideas:

Coming up with blog post ideas can be quite a chore. Writer’s block as a blogger is totally a real thing. Over the four years I have been a full-time blogger there have been, weeks and months where I had no idea what I wanted to write about. 

If you are struggling to come up with blog post ideas, this post is for you (and future me because I know I will totally come back to this post for Ideas)

For Fashion Bloggers

  • What to wear this Christmas 

  • Fall Fashion Advice

  • Top Amazon Fashion

  • 10 Items you want this season.

  • The 10 most comfortable items in your closet.

For Food Bloggers

  • Your 10 Favorite Comfort Foods

  • Your Favorite Cheap Meals

  • Your Favorite Quick Meals

  • Your Favorite Meals for X Season

  • Your Most Cooked Meals in X Year

For Travel Bloggers

  • 5 Places You Want to Travel in 2019

  • The best vacation you ever went on.

  • How to travel on a budget.

  • The best locations for budget travel.

  • The best locations for luxury travel.

For Mom Bloggers

  • How I got my baby to sleep through the night.

  • My biggest life hacks as a mom.

  • How I save money as a mom.

  • Travel Essentials for a New Mom.

  • How we budget after having kids.

For Lifestyle Bloggers 

a lifestyle blogger can really do any combination,  of the ideas in this post but here are a few more.

  • Income Report

  • How you prepare for fall.

  • Travel Bucket-list

  • A list of your favorite blogs to read.

  • A Month Summary of everything you’ve done this month.

For Business / Financial Bloggers

  • How you started your business / blog.

  • The story of your biggest struggle in business.

  • An Expense Wrap-Up what you spend money on.

  • Advice you would give a young business owner.

  • How you cut corners to save money.

Get writing!

Hopefully this post has given you some ideas on what you can blog about incase you find yourself with a case of good ol’ writers block.